Friday, 31 December 2010
The eve of 1/1/11
The twilight time of being between the years is almost over! I don't know about you but it has felt - as it often does - a little like the world has been holding it's breath! I don't much care for the feeling as it gives me the sense of being adrift, waiting to whether I'm about to coast on an open sea or plum it over the edge!
New years day will be the first of the first 2011 or 1/1/11 a powerful gateway moment! It's the beginning of something powerful and I feel we must all enter into it with the right intent, for ourselves and for the world. What ever seeds we plant on New Years day will be stabilised and verified on the 11th, 11/1/11, another very powerful day when we will have another opportunity to finalise our vision of the future. New Years day then is a dry run as it where, when we break the ground and make the blue print of what will be, whilst the 11th will be when the foundation gets laid and our plans anchored!
This feels like a powerful and important year, a year of planting seeds and ascending as a result of the merit of the way we act and respond to our challenges. For me it feels like a year of letting go and letting the goddess! A time of stating my intent, relinquishing control and letting be what will be! What about you? What does this new year feel like for you?
A channelling about the new year energies will be featured in Januarys Courtenay Chronicles, email me if you want to be added to the list to receive this news letter.
Oh and a very happy new year to all x
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Sunday, 12 December 2010
The Oracle
The Wizards of Atlantis were those who worked with logic and order, structure and formulae, divine mathematics, architecture, form and colour - the language of the universe! Male and female they were members of the Order of Melchisadek and wielded the power of this great archangel. They followed no specific religion other than that of their hearts, they sought only understanding and further spiritual knowledge and growth. In the darker days some of the order became obsessed with power and turned to darker means to fund it, some even drawing upon the technologies of other world and beings!
This rune calls upon you to awaken your inner wizard, that part of you which can wield great power in order to change both the inner planes - the planes of consciousness - and the outer planes - the material world. Look out now for guidance and teaching on sacred geometry, numerology, colour and sound and martial your understanding and power in order to effect the world about you.
Reversed this rune warns you against the dark uses of power, steering you away from manipulation of others and cursing and guiding you gently back to the light. Even the inappropriate use of knowledge can be considered black magick when it us used to harm others, be careful then what you wish for and what you might inadvertently bring into being through carelessness and ego!
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Thursday, 9 December 2010
And today's Rune is ...
The Cosmic Element of Love was patronised by the Archangel Haniel, the Angel of Unconditional Love. The Royal Family of Atlantis monitored over this energy in Atlantis often serving the role of mediators to disputes between the temples and the other Royal Families.
If this rune has come into your life today it does so to encourage love, compassion, mercy, kindness and forgiveness. It reminds you of the glory and power of love which binds us all together as one through its presence which resides within us all. This then is a powerful force often underestimated which lies at the heart of existence, penetrating all things and places.
Reversed this rune represents a lack of love in your life or yourself! It encourages you to cultivate love and to inspire it in others. It says be kind, be forgiving, be compassionate now, you can afford to be and by doing so you will change the world and lift its vibration. Embrace then this Divine energy now, all around you and remember to call upon the Archangel Haniel for help!
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Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Healing Sound
Feeling the need I finally got round to asking my dear friend Rosemary Stephenson for an Absent Sound Healing. Rosemary has been working with this amazing and powerful method of healing for some time now, pre arranging a time to settle down and relax at home Rosemary, back at her house, played her crystal singing bowls and sang, chanting mantras and invoking angels sending the healing absently to me whilst recording the process onto a cd - which I would later receive through the post. As I relaxed I had an amazing timeless feeling of being suspended in the Cosmos, I could physically hear the echo of singing quiet in and in the distance but sweet and strong. I felt as if I where in a great Crystal Singing bowl that Rosemary was playing and singing to, stirring the sound in a crystal cauldron like a great celestial white witch transforming my tired leaden soul to gold. I could see behind her a great angel - the Archangel Shamsiel angel of sacred sound- singing with her and through her and even felt my guide joining in. After this I floated away in a golden cloud of light to come round some time later feeling relaxed and at ease knowing full well that the healing was singing on in my energy and soul.
Needless to say I can't wait to hear the cd!
For anyone who is a fan of sacred sound and/or Rosemary I would heartily recommend this incredible and powerful healing as a precious gift to give to the self. Check out Rosemary's website for more details
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Daily Guidance from the Oracle
Great Central Moon
The Great Central Moon is the Atlantean word for the Divine Mother or the Divine Feminine energy, the expression of the Divine manifest in our third dimensional Universe as a result of the Law of Duality. It is the passive, receptive, lateral energy, the negative, feminine, shadow polarity.
Choosing this rune indicates that it is now a time for stillness, introspection, passivity and non-action. To wait for guidance, energy, answers, information, love and truth to come to you rather than for you to seek it. The Divine Feminine represents the night, the power of the Moon, flow, cycles, magick and mystery, initiation, dreams, meditation and wonder! Now is the time to wait upon the will of the Divine and trust that life will bring you what you need as well as what you desire.
Reversed this rune indicates that you are being too active at the moment, too dynamic in your pursuit of wealth, love, healing and happiness, you must try to enter into a deeper state of flow, trust and acceptance. Now is the time to journey within and meditate, staying open and alert to the potential guidance that might come to you through omens. It is important now to recognize that some things are not for understanding and that the mystery has to be respected and honored, be silent then, be still, stop your flustering and running. Listen for the voice of the Goddess who speaks to you through the stars!
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Tuesday, 7 December 2010
And today's Rune is ...
Ok I'm paraphrasing here as I'm doing this from my phone and not my pad but water represents flow, conductivity, dreams and cleansing. Maybe it's time to clear out your closet or your conscience or maybe you just need to flow more accepting your plight and employing grace. Maybe you need to listen more to your intuition allowing your conductivity - psychically speaking - to be strengthened? What is sure is that the Archangel Gabriel - angel of messages and birth - is watching over you.
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Sunday, 5 December 2010
Daily Rune Casting
The element of Earth is aligned to the Archangel Uriel who was the patron in Atlantis of the Royal Family of Earth. This royal household was entrusted with the care of the "green" the elemental kingdom and energy as well as the planet - the vegetable and mineral kingdom - and in particular the lands of Atlantis.
Choosing this rune puts you on alert to environmental issues in your surroundings and encourages you to see of what benefit, practically or spiritually, you might be to the Earth. It also alerts you to the presence of the elemental kingdom who might be around you at this time as well as reminding you of the importance of grounding on your spiritual path. Finally, this rune alerts you to the powerful physical healing energy of the planet which is called the Green Ray.
Reversed this rune puts you on guard against being too ungrounded and encourages you to go outside more in a bid to ground yourself better as well as absorbing some positive pranic energy. It suggests that you might be neglecting the Earth or your immediate environment or even that you may have angered the elementals in some way! Whatever the reason this rune says give offering to the Earth now, show the Earth that you love and care.
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It's been an up and down day ... He'll it's been an up and down week - for most of us I would imagine for although the white stuff is beautiful it's also a right royal pain in the arse!
I have been stuck in the house since last Friday and frankly I feel trapped! The Spirit of the Merlin says we are all trapped within our own hearts by our lack of faith, trust and belief in ourselves, spirit and the Divine. He tells me I need to be more positive!
I remember being positive as a young man but now find myself lapsing into pessimism very easily. Not for others you understand but often for myself, although I have to take responsibility for this I can't help but think a lot of it seeps into me from the world around me. The radio, the TV, the Internet everyone sounds so negative and of course the snow isn't helping, it's white out nature leaves my mind numb at times.
The Merlins guidance?
"Meditate more, align to your Divine nature, remember you are only as trapped as you imagine yourself to be. Concentrate, focus, remember you are more powerful than you imagine yourself to be!"
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I have been stuck in the house since last Friday and frankly I feel trapped! The Spirit of the Merlin says we are all trapped within our own hearts by our lack of faith, trust and belief in ourselves, spirit and the Divine. He tells me I need to be more positive!
I remember being positive as a young man but now find myself lapsing into pessimism very easily. Not for others you understand but often for myself, although I have to take responsibility for this I can't help but think a lot of it seeps into me from the world around me. The radio, the TV, the Internet everyone sounds so negative and of course the snow isn't helping, it's white out nature leaves my mind numb at times.
The Merlins guidance?
"Meditate more, align to your Divine nature, remember you are only as trapped as you imagine yourself to be. Concentrate, focus, remember you are more powerful than you imagine yourself to be!"
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Atlantian Rune of the Day
The element of Earth is aligned to the Archangel Uriel who was the patron in Atlantis of the Royal Family of Earth. This royal household was entrusted with the care of the "green" the elemental kingdom and energy as well as the planet - the vegetable and mineral kingdom - and in particular the lands of Atlantis.
Choosing this rune puts you on alert to environmental issues in your surroundings and encourages you to see of what benefit, practically or spiritually, you might be to the Earth. It also alerts you to the presence of the elemental kingdom who might be around you at this time as well as reminding you of the importance of grounding on your spiritual path. Finally, this rune alerts you to the powerful physical healing energy of the planet which is called the Green Ray.
Reversed this rune puts you on guard against being too ungrounded and encourages you to go outside more in a bid to ground yourself better as well as absorbing some positive pranic energy. It suggests that you might be neglecting the Earth or your immediate environment or even that you may have angered the elementals in some way! Whatever the reason this rune says give offering to the Earth now, show the Earth that you love and care.
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Friday, 3 December 2010
Daily Inspiration from the Oracle of Atlantis
The Oracle of Atlantis is an ancient Atlantian divination system given to the Atlantians by the Archangel Etzeikael. Brought forwards for this modern age through myself it is available for sale through our online shop Ipssissimus. I have decided to try to upload a daily card for general guidance to give people a sample of the deck and a little daily help and advice but first here's a little information about the deck itself.
Imagine you stand in one of the crystal towers of Atlantis gazing out through an open window at the rainbow coloured sky and the sparkling sea beneath it. You turn around and take in your hand, from a plinth in front of you, a smooth crystal tile – the Oracle of Atlantis. You hold it up before you and it mirrors the sky and the sea behind you through the window. You hold a question clearly in your mind and from within the reflective surface of the tile a strange symbol begins to emerge colouring the tiles surface with its rich colours as it forms. This is one of the Atlantean runes and it appears as if by magick to answers your questions with all the wisdom of ancient Atlantis at its disposal.
The Oracle of Atlantis – the Atlantean Runes – were given to the Atlantean people from the Divine through the Archangel Etzeikael the Divine Scribe. Twenty five symbols representing the collective wisdom of Atlantis from The Void to the Great Central Sun and Moon, to The Ascended, the Angels and the elements. Given to guide and heal, teach and direct, all of the runes contained within crystal tiles (oracular knowledge banks) programmed to respond to the thoughts of the questioner, offering guidance and information directly from the Divine mind!
Here for the first time the Oracle of Atlantis has been lovingly recreated through the channel Edwin Courtenay – the founder of Inspiration the Reiki of Atlantis – and Andrew Helme Astrologer and Hedgewitch. The 25 runes comes complete with an explanatory booklet which offers dignified and reverse meanings for the runes as well as suggestions of how to use them. This powerful Oracle returns to us now in our time of need, reach out and take it, to do so is to hold the wisdom of Atlantis in your hands!
In Atlantis the Air element was patronised by the Archangel Raphael in and the Royal Family of Air. They governed all forms of communication throughout the great continent as well as watching over and contributing to the Temple of Peace the healing temple and university.
If you have chosen this rune today it is an indication that you might need some healing for yourself or that you might need to offer some healing to someone close to you. Alternately the rune might be putting you on alert in regards to communication, encouraging you to watch your words or be mindful and protected from the harsh words of others. Communication is a powerful thing and has in the past caused the rise and fall of whole continents and cultures. Be careful then of the power your words exert upon the world about you.
Reversed this rune indicates a lack of harmony or balance within you which might result in illness or sickness. Seek out healing now the rune says in order to avoid this! Reversed this rune might also indicate that you have been using the power of communication unwisely lately and may have offended someone close to you, accidentally or intentionally! Either way in order to avoid messy karmic situations try to undo what you may have done now. Don't allow careless words to cause others harm!
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Monday, 8 November 2010
The Coming Storm
So sorry not to have been blogging recently, life has been hectic and I have been exhausted - which is a bad combination - for me at least!
Recently I have found my self surrounded by the most bizarre omens from my Summer house being literally tipped on it's face by bizarre winds to a tiny bird following me from room to room tapping on the window outside! I have felt edgy and assailed, protected but always just having missed challenge or strangeness and started to think that maybe I was under psychic attack - though I didn't feel it. But no, my meditations revealed something else, there is a "storm coming" not a literal one but more symbolic, an event and it feels big, it feels global. The Angels seem to have gone into over drive working hard in the Spirit world to prepare, they are also being very tight lipped about things. Now I don't want to get anyone worried, whatever it is I think we and the Ascended and the Angels can contain it but there is something and we need to prepare. We need to 1, get our heads out of our ego's and start realising that it's not all about us bit sometimes it's about everyone else 2, we need to start connecting to our guidance, our Souls and Guides NOW and 3, we need to keep our energy and our attitude high. We MUST start broadcasting light and love and positivity daily to the world to see if we can neutralise whatever it is that might be coming! We CAN do it, we must focus on the light, on the positive - which is why we are not being told what ever it is that is coming - and play our part!
For all of those who have been feeling weird and getting the heeby jeebies lately this could be it! Don't fret, don't despair, don't panic, get proactive and positive, think light and love and buckle up just in case it's a bumpy ride!
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Sunday, 24 October 2010
People ask about darkness, about evil and I tell them as far as I know it's not what you might think it to be. I believe in shadows and demons but I don't believe them to be "horror movie" goblins obvious in their actions and meaningless in their endeavours. Demons are the shadows of angels, a natural manifestation of light entering into dualistic matter but their agenda is not to terrify or instil fear ... Not without purpose. No, their function is to prevent humanity from becoming Divine, to prevent us from ascending, to hold us bound to the material plane and limited states of consciousness. Their goal is to have us believe that the Source is not real and they strive to accomplish through clever psychology, charm and persuasion! Through science and celebrity, fame and greed ... Needless to say - whilst typing these words Wayne Roony and his ridiculous £200,000 a week for playing football, whilst people around the world literally starve to death comes to mind. As well as this seemingly zombified teenagers - and older people who really should know better - who sign up for the X Factor harping on about living the dream, being rich, being famous and travelling around the world in their private jet! I know, I'm ranting a little and let's face it I am no saint but here is where true darkness lies, not in possession, not in assailment - though of course these things too from time to time strategically occur - but rather in greed, and avarice and gluttony and envy and disdain and apathy and selfishness. Here is where the darkness lies alongside belief only in the visible, only in science, only in logic, only in truth that others teach us rather than that which we discern for ourselves! So, this Halloween, beware ... Not of the monsters or witches or ghosts but rather the Wayne Roony's, the Piers Morgans and the Simon Cowels of this world, the preachers of fame, fortune and materialism who corrupt our children and shame us all.
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Thursday, 14 October 2010
Out of the blues and into the gloom!
Well today the blues passed ... But the gloom descended! Gloom for me is a clinging cloying sense of sadness and futility, a sense of doom and lethargy that paralyses and freezes you in your tracks! Oddly enough today I managed to get quite a lot done - largely because I nearly moved out of my office - but still I went through the usual sense of paranoia and feeling totally unsupported from the Universe and my loved ones, even though the truth couldn't be further from the truth!
Is it the weather? The season?? Am I maybe a little (or a lot bi polar) or is it something else???? Exhaustion perhaps! I did wonder - and I know this might sound a little out there - whether it was anything to do with the release of the miners in Chile? Maybe they have brought something up with them? Something dark, or maybe it's their own darkness, their fear and relief and anger? Spirit tell us that sometimes what we feel doesn't belong to us but rather belongs to the world?
Either way I think it's time I turned to my guides for ... well a little guidance! I will keep you posted on the results! In the meantime, to all my fellow sufferers hang on in there!
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Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Grace and Acceptance
Grace and acceptance is the key, not that we shouldn't strive for change or betterment but rather that wherever we are, now, in this moment we need to accept it. By doing so we relax, by doing so we free ourselves from stagnation, by doing so we move forwards with grace and ease and flow. Accept where we are, what we are, what our circumstances are for now and in grace move on.
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I don't feel good today. It came on all of a sudden, out of the blue. It's not my Moon, as it so often is, it's not something some one said or did it's just there. Sadness, doubt, fear ... Is it mine or does it belong to someone else? Is it the worlds pain? I know I'm not the only one prone to such things, I know there are many others who struggle with this. I wanted to be honest about it, despite everything I know and everything I do sometimes it's there and all that there is to do is ride it through and see if answers come to justify the shadow. I'm not looking for excuses or sympathy but just felt the need to share. Dark days come to us all, however enlightened or powerful we might like to think ourselves to be. They are not to be ashamed of but rather acknowledged and endured, for in time - like clouds in the bright sky - they too will pass.
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Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Autumn Rot
Went for a walk today with Andrew to visit "the lightning struck tree" a tall dead tree which we presume was once the victim of a thunder bolt. During our little adventure, Andrew suggested we climb up and then down a steep muddy bank, I took a tumble (twice) scratching my arm and impaling my little finger! No real damage done - apart from my pride - but a little shock for the system. I haven't fallen over in ages and you kind of get the impression that the body forgets how! Still the scenery was wonderful with everything in a slow state of rot and decline, the wind fallen trunk beneath our feet squashed as we trod on them and mushrooms sprouted everywhere making the most of boggy conditions. It reminded me of how necessary breakdown is in order for new growth to come and I thought about all those I've encountered this year who have, in one way or another, been going through their own break down. I wonder if in a way this isn't part of their recycling, their regrowth, if once everything has decayed something new and wonderful with grow from the fertile soil of their disaster? Nature is a wonderful teacher and shows us even in death that there is always life close behind!
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Tuesday, 5 October 2010
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
10/10/10 is fast approaching and the descent of the Christ and the Sophia - the masculine and feminine Christ energy - is imminent! The Holy Spirit - the Maha Chohan - who is the body of the Divine, the solution that embraces the all and radiates as an emanation from the Divine Source enabling all miracles to occur - anchors itself now, becoming more present in and around us. The stage is set for the conjunction, the true alchemical wedding and the Archangel Gabriel (and others!) draw close to witness this event and lend their power.
If you can't make it to our 10/10/10 gathering (there 8 spaces left) then do try and make sure that you are in a quiet space at 10 past 10 on Sunday and later again that day at 22:10 as these are the power points when the Christ Light will descend and harmonize! Everyone who receives this initiation from Spirit will then carry this light out into the world as a positive infection, passing on this gift to all those others they encounter who are ready to receive it, passing the torch that will ignite the world with the new Christ Light, the Rose Gold Flame of the Christ, which will help to bring into being the New Earth!
These are powerful times, be part of them, there is only one chance and this is it!
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Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Autumn - A Time of Letting Go
The Autumn Eqinox is upon us and already the distinct chill of Autumn is with us, a chill of cold and - for me at least - a chill of excitement!
I love the Autumn, it is a time of magick, a time of change, a time of preparation when the Earth prepares for her long sleep. It is the count down to Samhein when the veil between our world and the other is the thinest and the ancestors and the Spirits of the Green can be more easily seen and contacted. It is a time of power and shadow, a time of secrets and mystery, a time of colour and harvest, along with Spring it is my time.
Today - on a very rare and precious day off - I have been releasing! Old bags, old clothes - five carrier bags full - casting off my leaves like the tree's will soon do. I remembered, as I gussied myself trying on clothes far too small for me now, a conversation I once had with a tree!
The tree told me that they cast off their leaves in the Autumn because they had absolute and perfect trust that new leaves would come in the spring and that as a result of this trust the leaves always came! The tree told me to trust that when ever I was letting go - of a thing or a person or an opportunity or dream - to remember that something else would always come in time to take it's place!
I choose to remember this then now, not about clothes and bags but about friends and memories and chances and failed attempts. What ever I release, what veer I let go of will return in another way, so long as I trust and know that this is so!
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Saturday, 18 September 2010
Scott Pilgrim vs The World
I've just been to see the most amazing film, Scott Pilgrim vs The World! Ok, granted I'm a bit of a comic book geek - and the film is based upon 7 graphic novels - and ok granted I a bit of a chop sokey fan (that's martial arts movies to you) but hey this very witty and innovative film had a great spiritual moral at the end.
Scott, who has to defeat his girlfriends 7 evil super powered ex's in order to be with her faces the ultimate villain first with the power of love, which does not see him victorious and second with the power of self respect! This power trussing the grand villain!
The Masters tells us that although love is a great power in the Universe everything in truth starts and ends with us and as such self respect and self worth and of course self love are in a way more powerful than the love that we mig hold for another, including God!
How wonderful then that such hidden truths can be found here, how wonderful that Spirit works in such ways, very cool, very funny and very appealing to the younger generation.
Go on, give it a try, go and watch it! If nothing else there is a wonderful super powered psychic vegan villain in it, not to be missed!
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Friday, 17 September 2010
Peers from the Past
Have been doing some fascinating research - for my up and coming Seership Workshop this weekend- on those famous Clairvoyants and Channels of the past. Such notables as Helena Blavatsky - the founder of Theosophy - and Charles Leadbetter and Annie Besant who took over from her, as well as more recent notables such as Edgar Casey - the sleeping prophet - and the much more recent Doris Stokes and Dr Joshua David Stone!
There are so many peers of the past that we on the path have forgotten about, brave men and women, often misunderstood, often years before their time, ridiculed and harassed by sceptics who boldly carried on paving the way for us to follow. We should be mindful of these, our spiritual ancestors, as see them as our teachers and guides on the way, we should more regularly celebrate their lives and let them know just how grateful we are for what they have done.
I have also been astonished to see how many of them perished, terribly young, from brain related illnesses or diseases! One can't help but wonder whether this was in part down to an over use of their gift and whether or not too this is something maybe that we should pay heed too!
Here then is to you, the brave and the bold, heralds of a new dawn, we salute you!
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Thursday, 16 September 2010
Dr Strange!
I have always been a comic fan, not the Beano and the Dandy but Superman, the Xmen and the Justice League.
I have always found that like science fiction there are hidden truths in comics, be it morals to inspire a younger generation or spiritual truths hidden amongst tales of demons, heroes and magick!
Dr Strange was always one of my favourites supernatural characters, the Sorcerer Supreme and guardian of our Earthly plane against other dimensional invaders he was both exciting and intriguing with his Eye of Agmoto and cloak of levitation.
Tonight I sat and watched an animated movie about him and was transported as a child to those cold Tibetan hills where Dr Strange meets the Ancient One his master and learns the skills of magick! This time however everything seemed slightly different, slightly more possible, slightly more real and as a result of this the excitement seemed even more intense!
Let's not forget that we are not the only channels, prophets and oracles but rather that they are scattered, hidden amongst the science fiction writers, fantasy novelists and comic book creators, working their magick to open our minds and the minds of our children to the ultimate truth!
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Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Staying Earth Centered
There is always so much to do! I have channelled letters to get out before the end of the month, my Distance Learning Course to prepare for this month, over 40 orders to process from our online shop - comprising of Auragraphs and Soul Mandala's and Numerology Charts and Atlantean Blessings, not to mention my Trance Channellings, Absent Crystal Skull Healing and a workshop to prepare for this weekend!
I know what you are thinking right? Poor old soul, you should try living my life, I have kids to take to school, dinners to cook, emails to reply to, books to balance, cars to mend, international deals to negotiate, animals to feed, parents to care for, illnesses to over come and so the list is endless.
We all have SO much to do in this world and it has to be done right away, now, yesterday if we can manage it! It's so easy to become completely overwhelmed to such an extent that we feel paralysed with the intensity of it all - and I often do!
What we must remember is to breathe, take time out - even if it is just five minutes - get outside, into the air, into the sunshine, into the green and centre ourselves. The Earth can and is willing to help us here, to help us find balance and grace and stillness. Becoming Earth centred - even if it's just once a day for five minutes - can really really help and it's absolutely free!
Give it a try tomorrow, just take five and let the Earth hold you, your chores will still be there when you go back in but you will feel much more capable of dealing with them!
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Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Tough Times All Round
I have just returned from Surrey having spent a weekend giving consultations, an evening talk and a local church service!
To say I am shattered is an understatement but there is no rest for the wicked and although I took most of today off tomorrow I will be back at it catching up on orders and preparing for this coming weekends workshop!
To say people are in need is an understatement, the readings are becoming more and more challenging as more and more people are in more and more need and the lectures and workshops feel more like quick fixes than permanent solutions as more and more people fall too quickly back into the trap of the "real" world soon after the workshops have come to an end.
But - jobbing readers and healers - beware of burn out and working yourself too hard! Although you might at time literally be the only thing standing between your client and what might seem certain doom you are no good to them if you yourself are hanging on to reality by a thread and so - as so many people say to me - don't work too hard!
These are tough times all round and we - the awoken - are greatly needed but we must not forget ourselves in the process of serving!
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Symbols of Light and Wisdom
Imagine my surprise - when passing the window of the Epsom branch of the HSBC Bank - to see the below! A blatant Wider Waite knock off Tarot Card reinterpreted to advertise the banks latest offers! I love it when this happens! When occult, powerful esoteric symbols find their way into the every day because, no matter the commercial use of them, the powerful thought form energies that have accrued around them for hundreds of years are belting out their light to all who might see them and pass them by! Hooray then for the HSBC, maybe some good will come out of this bank in the end!
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Friday, 10 September 2010
Time To Say Goodbye
Yesterday Andrew and I caught a showing of Toy Story 3! To my surprise the ticket office guy informed me that the first Toy Story took place 15 years ago - when I was the princely age of 24 years old! I have loved the Toy Story movies and as result bought the toys, and the sound track and been a big advocate of the franchise to anyone unfortunate enough to hear me wax lyrical about it. There is a beautiful morality about the films centred around love and friendship and fear or abandonment, accepting ones fate, accept ones self and soldiering on. I have cried when watching, now all three, of the movies which is unusual for me as I am very rarely moved to tears by such things. Toy Story 3 was no exception, it was great, funny, moving, inspiring, touching, the story centring around the toys dilemma when their owner, now all grown up, goes to college leaving them with either the fate of attic, second hand shop or nursery!
So why am I writing about this, you mig ask, well there are important lessons here, issues around mortality and abandonment, the passing of childhood and moving on, wonder joy and innocence that are good for the heart and head to explore, albeit vicariously, as well as a sweetness in a film rare to find which fills the heart with joy. We need this, we the human race, we need such inspiration and when we find it we should embrace it and pass the message on.
I left the film thinking of my pink elephant, a childhood toy who after an accident with my brothers bicep - which I was hitting with the elephant - received emergency surgery and bionic eye! I loved that elephant, loved it, in fact at a time we where seldom parted but now have absolutely no idea what become of it. I feel sad about that, a little like I betrayed my childhood friend and this made me think about those others - people along the way - who I have betrayed by "letting them get away too! Friendship and love is so important, SO important and yet we allow it to disappear so easily and this is tragic, truly tragic and maybe something that we all need to work on a little ... for our sins!
So .... Toy Story 3 ... Inspirational! Go and see it!
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So why am I writing about this, you mig ask, well there are important lessons here, issues around mortality and abandonment, the passing of childhood and moving on, wonder joy and innocence that are good for the heart and head to explore, albeit vicariously, as well as a sweetness in a film rare to find which fills the heart with joy. We need this, we the human race, we need such inspiration and when we find it we should embrace it and pass the message on.
I left the film thinking of my pink elephant, a childhood toy who after an accident with my brothers bicep - which I was hitting with the elephant - received emergency surgery and bionic eye! I loved that elephant, loved it, in fact at a time we where seldom parted but now have absolutely no idea what become of it. I feel sad about that, a little like I betrayed my childhood friend and this made me think about those others - people along the way - who I have betrayed by "letting them get away too! Friendship and love is so important, SO important and yet we allow it to disappear so easily and this is tragic, truly tragic and maybe something that we all need to work on a little ... for our sins!
So .... Toy Story 3 ... Inspirational! Go and see it!
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Location:Leeds,United Kingdom
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Darkness to Light
Someone sent me this on Facebook today, by the Goddess I love Rumi, what an incredible man he must have been! Today was better but not great, storm clouds hovered menacing me both outside and in. It's a strange bitter taste like a hangover of the heart! But still darkness changed into light for me today, however slowly it took and by this afternoon rainbows, a wonderful sign.
I was reminded by my guide about something they taught me a long time ago, about how much energy we invest in holding on to things, usually bad things like guilt and grievances, when it requires so little energy to let things go! This then is what we must learn, to let things go.
Interesting I thought, after yesterdays blog, that the news tells me there has been a powerful earth quake and after shocks in New Zealand! The Soul, the barometer for the Earth!!!
Enjoy the Rumi and embrace the sentiment.
Darkness to Light
don't be bitter my friend
you'll regret it soon
hold to your togetherness
or surely you'll scatter
don't walk away gloomy
from this garden
you'll end up like an owl
dwelling in old ruins
face the war and
be a warrior like a lion
or you'll end up like a pet
tucked away in a stable
once you conquer
your selfish self
all your darkness
will change to light
~Maulana Rumi
Translated by Nader Khalili
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I was reminded by my guide about something they taught me a long time ago, about how much energy we invest in holding on to things, usually bad things like guilt and grievances, when it requires so little energy to let things go! This then is what we must learn, to let things go.
Interesting I thought, after yesterdays blog, that the news tells me there has been a powerful earth quake and after shocks in New Zealand! The Soul, the barometer for the Earth!!!
Enjoy the Rumi and embrace the sentiment.
Darkness to Light
don't be bitter my friend
you'll regret it soon
hold to your togetherness
or surely you'll scatter
don't walk away gloomy
from this garden
you'll end up like an owl
dwelling in old ruins
face the war and
be a warrior like a lion
or you'll end up like a pet
tucked away in a stable
once you conquer
your selfish self
all your darkness
will change to light
~Maulana Rumi
Translated by Nader Khalili
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Location:Haltwhistle,United Kingdom
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
The Soul as a Barometer for the World
Don't you just hate it when a good day goes bad and just carries on getting worse and worse and worse! No matter how hard you try, to pull yourself out of the funk, no matter how hard you try to make the right decisions - the decisions that will make things better rather than worse - you can't, you don't and the day gets blacker and darker and just plain horrible.
You guessed it, I have had one of those days! And the thing is it should have been a great day, it should have been Top of the Pops.
Now I know we must take responsibility for our actions and I know we can't blame everything on Sun Spots and Ascension Symptoms and Karmic Returns but today got me thinking. What if sometimes, when we have these chest crushing, this is the worst day of my life, I want to end it all days which come from no where and blow up from nothing, what if what we are reacting to is not us, or them but rather the all. If we are all one, aligned and connected then maybe just sometimes our reactions are symptomatic of what the world is feeling, maybe we are a barometer for the pain and predicament of the world and the truth behind the fact that we want to end it all is because the world does, or a huge amount of people do!? Maybe the reason why the world seems black and our hearts seem to be dying inside us is because someone, somewhere out there is having the real day from he'll and we are just ... Helping to pick up the tab.
A spiritual teacher of mine once mentioned something like this to me once, told me that there where certain people, spiritual people, in the world who would help those suffering carry the burden of their fears and pain. I just never imagined I might be one of them, never wanted to be, still don't want to be and maybe I'm I'm not! But maybe you are!!!
So ... What to do (as Guru used to say) well there's the Soul - we can always turn to him or her and then there's the Divine and the Angels and the Masters and if all else fails go for a long walk, have a nap and apologise! Because not matter what is going on your husband/boyfriend/best friend/mother isn't probably going to buy your hippy new age excuse of you carrying the weight of the world upon your shoulders, no matter how true it might be!
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Location:Haltwhistle,United Kingdom
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
All Parts of the Same Body!
Ulrike Gunther - a Facebook friend - commented today on my previous post about the Violet Duchess saying that many people where suffering from the same symptoms as if we where "all part of the same body"!
This got me thinking, when we are Ill the whole suffers, the pain might be localised but the whole body is effected in one way or another, the thoughts, the feelings, the metabolism, the immune system. So as we are all one, all part of each other and the Divine why shouldn't we all suffer the same or similar maladies - with one variation or emphasis or the other - as the world and humanity evolves and changes. Growing pains for the new Earth!
Today I headed home and left behind my Ma and Pa and brother with a strange mixture of relief at finally having my own space again and returning to my own home and sadness and guilt at leVying them all behind. It is - I guess - as it always has been, the need for separation, to be individual, to be alone, to be free from the Source and yet at the same time the yearning to return to it! And maybe then this is what this pain is that we experience, this heart pain and head pain and failing of the body. The yeRn to return fighting with our yearning to be separate to be individuals to be limited and free?!?
If this then is so then maybe cooperation is the solution for when the body works as a whole, combining it's resources healing occurs! Maybe then when we, humanity, all pull together we will be whole and healed again?
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This got me thinking, when we are Ill the whole suffers, the pain might be localised but the whole body is effected in one way or another, the thoughts, the feelings, the metabolism, the immune system. So as we are all one, all part of each other and the Divine why shouldn't we all suffer the same or similar maladies - with one variation or emphasis or the other - as the world and humanity evolves and changes. Growing pains for the new Earth!
Today I headed home and left behind my Ma and Pa and brother with a strange mixture of relief at finally having my own space again and returning to my own home and sadness and guilt at leVying them all behind. It is - I guess - as it always has been, the need for separation, to be individual, to be alone, to be free from the Source and yet at the same time the yearning to return to it! And maybe then this is what this pain is that we experience, this heart pain and head pain and failing of the body. The yeRn to return fighting with our yearning to be separate to be individuals to be limited and free?!?
If this then is so then maybe cooperation is the solution for when the body works as a whole, combining it's resources healing occurs! Maybe then when we, humanity, all pull together we will be whole and healed again?
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Monday, 6 September 2010
The Violet Duchess
The other day - at the Elsecar BSSSK Mind Body Spirit Fair - I bought Lucy Cavandish's Oracle of Shadows and Light. Tonight, after returning home with my Ma and Pa I picked the Violet Duchess card. This card talks about frustration and stifled emotions, being stuck and compliant and not true to one self, being a goody two shoes - which I have been one way or another for most of my life - and how when the true nature, our true energy, turns inwards it can cause harm. It marks a moment of honesty, an impending explosion, a revelation! It marks a moment of honesty and truth!! In my line of work maintaining professional decorum is essential, be patient with clients and students, being polite, listening - even when you don't want to, even when all you want to do is scream, or sleep, or run away! Looking after my elderly parents has also required patience, patience which sometimes, to my shame, I have lacked! But lately, whether it's with clients or my folks - or come to that pretty much anyone - my patience and tolerance levels have been way low!
This is not uncommon, many people experience it, particularly lately and some say it is because the Earth, who has always been happy to receive our negative energy and transmute it, is no longer so and is returning it back to us, making us take responsibility for it and deal with it ourselves! I'm not so sure but what is clear to me is that there is a powerful pursuance taking place, a clearing out of our anger, pain and frustration from ages past which is leaving us all at times crabby and emotional.
The guides say Flower Essences can help, the guides say use meditation to release stress and remind us that we expend more energy holding onto stuff that we do letting go of it. The guides say acknowledge it and own it but don't beat our selves up about it. Rather be inspired by it to be better, the guides say we are only human and frustration is natural at this moment in time. The guides say, and this is important, don't take it out on others but accept it and deal with it ourselves.
Easier said than done, but worth the effort I think!
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This is not uncommon, many people experience it, particularly lately and some say it is because the Earth, who has always been happy to receive our negative energy and transmute it, is no longer so and is returning it back to us, making us take responsibility for it and deal with it ourselves! I'm not so sure but what is clear to me is that there is a powerful pursuance taking place, a clearing out of our anger, pain and frustration from ages past which is leaving us all at times crabby and emotional.
The guides say Flower Essences can help, the guides say use meditation to release stress and remind us that we expend more energy holding onto stuff that we do letting go of it. The guides say acknowledge it and own it but don't beat our selves up about it. Rather be inspired by it to be better, the guides say we are only human and frustration is natural at this moment in time. The guides say, and this is important, don't take it out on others but accept it and deal with it ourselves.
Easier said than done, but worth the effort I think!
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Saturday, 4 September 2010
Healing Through the Aura
Dear Blog,
Last night - after spending almost two entire days in his wheel chair - my Dad was very stiff and sore. He went to bed fearful he might not be able to get himself up at night and so concerned I lay awake worrying about him and thinking what I might do!
I remembered as a younger man, new to the path and still experimenting with the healing power, what I used to do every night before I slept and so I practiced this simple art again.
I unfolded my aura letting it flow out into the house, holding my Father and my Mother and Andrew my partner safely within it and then connecting to my Guardian Angel I allowed the Divine Healing light to flood through it and into them as they slept.
The next morning Dad was more flexible and optimistic capable of standing with greater ease and grace. I allowed myself a secret smile and thanked Spirit for this small miracle.
My parents return home tomorrow, it's been a little stressful caring for them, trying to keep them entertained and watching them at times in pain and looking a little lost so far from home. But it's been wonderful to laugh with them, love them and care for them as they have done and still do me.
I thank the Gods for them and ask that they be ever held in the Divines healing light.
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Last night - after spending almost two entire days in his wheel chair - my Dad was very stiff and sore. He went to bed fearful he might not be able to get himself up at night and so concerned I lay awake worrying about him and thinking what I might do!
I remembered as a younger man, new to the path and still experimenting with the healing power, what I used to do every night before I slept and so I practiced this simple art again.
I unfolded my aura letting it flow out into the house, holding my Father and my Mother and Andrew my partner safely within it and then connecting to my Guardian Angel I allowed the Divine Healing light to flood through it and into them as they slept.
The next morning Dad was more flexible and optimistic capable of standing with greater ease and grace. I allowed myself a secret smile and thanked Spirit for this small miracle.
My parents return home tomorrow, it's been a little stressful caring for them, trying to keep them entertained and watching them at times in pain and looking a little lost so far from home. But it's been wonderful to laugh with them, love them and care for them as they have done and still do me.
I thank the Gods for them and ask that they be ever held in the Divines healing light.
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Location:Haltwhistle,United Kingdom
Friday, 3 September 2010
The Healing Power of Places
Dear Blog,
I find it amazing how much a place can heal, I mean a place ... not necessarily a sacred place or even a quiet place but just a different place, with a different pace of life.
Whilst my parents have been staying the wonder of the location in which my home is situated seems to have folded around them, healing them, restoring them and in certain cases bringing stuff up to be cleared! Today was no exception when a friend of the family - who has been suffering from bereavement - happened by and despite being quite the towny simply did not want to leave! After a while they began to speak about their bereavement and it became apparent that our space was forcing these feelings to the fore to be further healed.
In this day and age then, when healing is so important and so needed, how vital it is for us to remember that sometimes all we need to do is find the right place to facilitate the change that we need and the healing that we require! Nothing more and nothing less than this!
The healing garden of Low Burnfoot!
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I find it amazing how much a place can heal, I mean a place ... not necessarily a sacred place or even a quiet place but just a different place, with a different pace of life.
Whilst my parents have been staying the wonder of the location in which my home is situated seems to have folded around them, healing them, restoring them and in certain cases bringing stuff up to be cleared! Today was no exception when a friend of the family - who has been suffering from bereavement - happened by and despite being quite the towny simply did not want to leave! After a while they began to speak about their bereavement and it became apparent that our space was forcing these feelings to the fore to be further healed.
In this day and age then, when healing is so important and so needed, how vital it is for us to remember that sometimes all we need to do is find the right place to facilitate the change that we need and the healing that we require! Nothing more and nothing less than this!
The healing garden of Low Burnfoot!
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Wednesday, 1 September 2010
1st September
Dear Blog,
It's the 1st of September and there is already a wimsy of Autumn in the early morning despite the Indian Summer we seem to be experiencing.
My mention of my "Ascension Symptoms" on Facebook has generated a fair amount of response from "fellow sufferers" and I wonder what I can do to help us all? Maybe some words of wisdom from on high are called for, I'll see tomorrow if time presents itself for me to ask!
Today Andrew and I took my Mum and Dad to Haverthwaite steam train and then onto Lakeside and the Aquarium! Quite a mixture but still the day for me had an over riding theme of beauty, the Summer sunlight on the tree's as the steam train pulled away, the magical steam collecting like clouds at the tops of the sooty tunnels as the train passed through, the incredible fish swimming around and over us in the Aquariums tunnel and my Ma and Pa, like wise old children discovering the world for the first time, beautiful. Strange how, as they have aged - they are now in their late 80's, they seem to be returning to child like states whilst retaining their memories and wisdom!
September the 1st feels like a bold new adventure and despite all the many things left over from August which I really should have done but didn't and all the things that lay before me pigeon holed into my calendar I feel oddly optimistic and excited! What wonders might this month bring?
Whatever they might be I will try to embrace them with humour and grace, yes humour and grace ... this will be my mantra for the month!
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Friday, 13 August 2010
Floods in Pakistan
Many people are beginning to ask about the spiritual significance of the flooding in Pakistan. There has been some suggestion that the waters are being used to cleanse Pakistan if negativity, cleansing being one of the properties spiritually speaking of water. However this is ONLY ONE of waters spiritual properties, others being flow, grace, conductivity, psychism, dreams and will. It seems - in my opinion - a little over simplistic to imply that cleansing might be the only possibility and indeed if this where the case surely the Divine could find another way that wouldn't endanger so much innocent life? Maybe the answer lies not in the significance of water but rather the imbalance of the Earth! It wouldn't be the first time our planet has sought to heal itself by resorting to actions which to humanity are catastrophic! Whatever the reason our thoughts and healing energy must be focused upon the people and the land if Pakistan.
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Friday, 11 June 2010
Testing testing testing
This is a blog test are you receiving me???
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Sunday, 28 February 2010
Mirror mirror
At times it is all too easy to blame illness or bad luck on dark and supernatural forces rather than looking within. Seeing shadows and dark omens is easy when we don't want to look at ourselves but fending off something which isn't there will never clear the problem. Sometimes we have to rake the bull by the horns and realize that the things that is wrong, the thing that is working against us is us! Only then can we put our house in order and be at peace. Sometimes we have to look in the mirror and realize that the work we need to do begins with us!
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Thursday, 25 February 2010
Percy Jackson and the Story Thief!
How dissapointing was Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief? Answer ... Very! As a lover of Greek Myth I was VERY excited to hear about this movie based upon a series of childrens books about a Demi god child searching for the missing thunderbolt of Zeus. However as the film unfolded it was clear that the story was nothing more than a Harry Potter rip off complete with it's own version of Hogwarts, Hermoine, Ron and Dumbledore! Even the myth inspired monsters weren't originally placed making the whole thing deathly dull. Thank the Greek Gods for Uma Thurmans camp Medusa possibly the only saving grace. Let's hope that the Gods see fit to ensure there's no sequal to this tutkey!
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Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Percy Jackson and the Story Thief!
How dissapointing was Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief? Answer ... Very! As a lover of Greek Myth I was VERY excited to hear about this movie based upon a series of childrens books about a Demi god child searching for the missing thunderbolt of Zeus. However as the film unfolded it was clear that the story was nothing more than a Harry Potter rip off complete with it's own version of Hogwarts, Hermoine, Ron and Dumbledore! Even the myth inspired monsters weren't originally placed making the whole thing deathly dull. Thank the Greek Gods for Uma Thurmans camp Medusa possibly the only saving grace. Let's hope that the Gods see fit to ensure there's no sequal to this tutkey!
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Tuesday, 2 February 2010
The Wonder of Nature
On Imbolc, the 2nd of February we light candles to represent our acknowledgement of the returning light and life of Spring. We acknowledge the wonder of nature and it's great power of life and inspiration. The above picture reminds me of this, it is a Fogbow - a rainbow formed in fog rather than rain - from the light of the Moon. A truly rare and beautiful thing like our world and being!
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Friday, 29 January 2010
Justice and the Power of Prayer
An interesting article in the paper today about a Christian Police association who have found asking their congregation to pray for them, in certain endeavours, has really helped! Now although I'm not sure why they need 10'000 pounds to help them do this - which is what they were awarded - I do think it's an interesting testimony to the power of prayer! And an interesting of how many people believe in it!
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Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Avatar cheesy or triumphant?
There is no doubt about it James Cameron's new film Avatar is a spectacular leap forwards for cinema in regards to the new 3D technology but what about the film itself? Well the CGI is incredible and the acting - whether it's done in person or through the voice - is top class but the plot, though undoubtedly spiritual, is far from original! The alien race are so obviously modeled on any of the indigenous tribes of our world, their spiritual perception of their world being a direct copy of some that they come across as poorly envisioned or lacking in imagination. Even if this was James Cameron's idea, to create a reflection of life on Earth and it's plight one leaves the cinema feeling it could have been done with a little more finesse or creativity. Even the alien animals are quite clearly horses and panthers given a glossy CGI camouflage and this combined with the now rather dated looking envisioning of future technology (think Alien but not so grungy) makes for a rather unoriginal fantasy. The saving graces then, apart from the 3D for me where the poignant sentiments (when our hero tells the Spirit of the alien world that humanity killed their Mother meaning the Earth) and the beautiful spiritual names that the alien race has for its world (the "home tree" and the "tree of souls") other than this sad to say for me Avatar was more cheese than triumph I'm afraid!
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Remember the dead.
The rescent disaster in Haiti, I think anyone would agree, has been horrifying to say the least and something which has prompted people to open their hearts and offer whatever help they can, whether it be generous donations, time or their healing thoughts. However it is in times such as these that we must not forget the dead. There have been hundreds and hundreds of people who have passed into Spirit as a result of this natural disaster and although the spirit World will have undoubtedly been prepared for this there will still have been many who remain earth bound, lost and confused. It is our duty - as healers and guides - in such times to send out light for these that have been left behind. Calling upon the power of the Archangels Azrael - the Angel of death and rebirth - and the Archangel Michael - a guide to the dead - to help these people on their way. Visualising the descent of the rainbow, an archetypal symbol for the bridge that leads to heaven, to sweep down and gather all these lost and lonely Spirits on their way. Every night then before you go to bed join me in saying a prayer, in sending a thought, in sending out the rainbow light that these lost and lonely Spirits might find their way home.
"Mighty Archangel of light and love, Azrael Archangel of death and rebirth, Michael guide to the Spirits of the lost, gather those slain, those lost and frightened into the rainbow light that they might returned to their true home and to the waiting arms of those loved ones who have gone before them. Let this be so, for the greater good of all and to harm none, so mote it be."
For those of you wanting a little further help on this subject you can find a short video recording of me talking about the importance and mechanics of rescue work on YouTube.
Bright blessings
Monday, 4 January 2010
What To do With All Those Unwanted Christmas Cards?
Spring cleaning today ... a little early I know but once the decorations came down everything looked (and felt psychically) SO dirty! It was amazing how different the place and I felt after it had a good dust, sweep and hoover! People don't realise just how much dirt holds energy - both good and bad - or that energy can go stale and become quite obstructive and heavy.
Once done I found myself with a pile of lovely Christmas cards from friends and clients with no idea what to do with them! Throw them away? Find a charity to take them too? Recycle them as best I could as tags or in the old card and paper recycler? Holding the cards I "felt" the power accumulated love from all those well wishers and thought how sad it would be to throw all this positive energy away and so I decided to keep the cards and burn them! this would enable me to release all that wonderful energy, all that love and positivity and direct it through the flame out into the world or to those people i know who are suffering at the moment with winter blues.
An EXCELLENT way to recycle those cards but in a slightly less orthodox manner!
Friday, 1 January 2010
Dream Dec 31st
I saw a group of people I did not recognize arriving in a porch. Above
their heads tiny sparkling flashes glowed. A voice explained to me
that these were temporal mosquitoes! Astral entities that fed off
moments from peoples time lines, those list seconds and minutes that
seem to dissapear as time passes quickly!
their heads tiny sparkling flashes glowed. A voice explained to me
that these were temporal mosquitoes! Astral entities that fed off
moments from peoples time lines, those list seconds and minutes that
seem to dissapear as time passes quickly!
A dream ... Or truth? You decide!
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