Sunday, 12 December 2010

The Oracle

The Wizards of Atlantis were those who worked with logic and order, structure and formulae, divine mathematics, architecture, form and colour - the language of the universe! Male and female they were members of the Order of Melchisadek and wielded the power of this great archangel. They followed no specific religion other than that of their hearts, they sought only understanding and further spiritual knowledge and growth. In the darker days some of the order became obsessed with power and turned to darker means to fund it, some even drawing upon the technologies of other world and beings!

This rune calls upon you to awaken your inner wizard, that part of you which can wield great power in order to change both the inner planes - the planes of consciousness - and the outer planes - the material world. Look out now for guidance and teaching on sacred geometry, numerology, colour and sound and martial your understanding and power in order to effect the world about you.

Reversed this rune warns you against the dark uses of power, steering you away from manipulation of others and cursing and guiding you gently back to the light. Even the inappropriate use of knowledge can be considered black magick when it us used to harm others, be careful then what you wish for and what you might inadvertently bring into being through carelessness and ego!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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