Tuesday, 5 October 2010

The Descent of the Holy Spirit

10/10/10 is fast approaching and the descent of the Christ and the Sophia - the masculine and feminine Christ energy - is imminent! The Holy Spirit - the Maha Chohan - who is the body of the Divine, the solution that embraces the all and radiates as an emanation from the Divine Source enabling all miracles to occur - anchors itself now, becoming more present in and around us. The stage is set for the conjunction, the true alchemical wedding and the Archangel Gabriel (and others!) draw close to witness this event and lend their power.

If you can't make it to our 10/10/10 gathering (there 8 spaces left) then do try and make sure that you are in a quiet space at 10 past 10 on Sunday and later again that day at 22:10 as these are the power points when the Christ Light will descend and harmonize! Everyone who receives this initiation from Spirit will then carry this light out into the world as a positive infection, passing on this gift to all those others they encounter who are ready to receive it, passing the torch that will ignite the world with the new Christ Light, the Rose Gold Flame of the Christ, which will help to bring into being the New Earth!

These are powerful times, be part of them, there is only one chance and this is it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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