Sunday, 17 January 2010

Remember the dead.

The rescent disaster in Haiti, I think anyone would agree, has been horrifying to say the least and something which has prompted people to open their hearts and offer whatever help they can, whether it be generous donations, time or their healing thoughts. However it is in times such as these that we must not forget the dead. There have been hundreds and hundreds of people who have passed into Spirit as a result of this natural disaster and although the spirit World will have undoubtedly been prepared for this there will still have been many who remain earth bound, lost and confused. It is our duty - as healers and guides - in such times to send out light for these that have been left behind. Calling upon the power of the Archangels Azrael - the Angel of death and rebirth - and the Archangel Michael - a guide to the dead - to help these people on their way. Visualising the descent of the rainbow, an archetypal symbol for the bridge that leads to heaven, to sweep down and gather all these lost and lonely Spirits on their way. Every night then before you go to bed join me in saying a prayer, in sending a thought, in sending out the rainbow light that these lost and lonely Spirits might find their way home.

"Mighty Archangel of light and love, Azrael Archangel of death and rebirth, Michael guide to the Spirits of the lost, gather those slain, those lost and frightened into the rainbow light that they might returned to their true home and to the waiting arms of those loved ones who have gone before them. Let this be so, for the greater good of all and to harm none, so mote it be."

For those of you wanting a little further help on this subject you can find a short video recording of me talking about the importance and mechanics of rescue work on YouTube.

Bright blessings


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