Thursday, 9 September 2010

Darkness to Light

Someone sent me this on Facebook today, by the Goddess I love Rumi, what an incredible man he must have been! Today was better but not great, storm clouds hovered menacing me both outside and in. It's a strange bitter taste like a hangover of the heart! But still darkness changed into light for me today, however slowly it took and by this afternoon rainbows, a wonderful sign.

I was reminded by my guide about something they taught me a long time ago, about how much energy we invest in holding on to things, usually bad things like guilt and grievances, when it requires so little energy to let things go! This then is what we must learn, to let things go.

Interesting I thought, after yesterdays blog, that the news tells me there has been a powerful earth quake and after shocks in New Zealand! The Soul, the barometer for the Earth!!!

Enjoy the Rumi and embrace the sentiment.

Darkness to Light

don't be bitter my friend
you'll regret it soon
hold to your togetherness
or surely you'll scatter

don't walk away gloomy
from this garden
you'll end up like an owl
dwelling in old ruins

face the war and
be a warrior like a lion
or you'll end up like a pet
tucked away in a stable

once you conquer
your selfish self
all your darkness
will change to light

~Maulana Rumi

Translated by Nader Khalili

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Haltwhistle,United Kingdom

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