Friday 3 December 2010

Daily Inspiration from the Oracle of Atlantis

The Oracle of Atlantis is an ancient Atlantian divination system given to the Atlantians by the Archangel Etzeikael. Brought forwards for this modern age through myself it is available for sale through our online shop Ipssissimus. I have decided to try to upload a daily card for general guidance to give people a sample of the deck and a little daily help and advice but first here's a little information about the deck itself.

Imagine you stand in one of the crystal towers of Atlantis gazing out through an open window at the rainbow coloured sky and the sparkling sea beneath it. You turn around and take in your hand, from a plinth in front of you, a smooth crystal tile – the Oracle of Atlantis. You hold it up before you and it mirrors the sky and the sea behind you through the window. You hold a question clearly in your mind and from within the reflective surface of the tile a strange symbol begins to emerge colouring the tiles surface with its rich colours as it forms. This is one of the Atlantean runes and it appears as if by magick to answers your questions with all the wisdom of ancient Atlantis at its disposal.

The Oracle of Atlantis – the Atlantean Runes – were given to the Atlantean people from the Divine through the Archangel Etzeikael the Divine Scribe. Twenty five symbols representing the collective wisdom of Atlantis from The Void to the Great Central Sun and Moon, to The Ascended, the Angels and the elements. Given to guide and heal, teach and direct, all of the runes contained within crystal tiles (oracular knowledge banks) programmed to respond to the thoughts of the questioner, offering guidance and information directly from the Divine mind!

Here for the first time the Oracle of Atlantis has been lovingly recreated through the channel Edwin Courtenay – the founder of Inspiration the Reiki of Atlantis – and Andrew Helme Astrologer and Hedgewitch. The 25 runes comes complete with an explanatory booklet which offers dignified and reverse meanings for the runes as well as suggestions of how to use them. This powerful Oracle returns to us now in our time of need, reach out and take it, to do so is to hold the wisdom of Atlantis in your hands!

In Atlantis the Air element was patronised by the Archangel Raphael in and the Royal Family of Air. They governed all forms of communication throughout the great continent as well as watching over and contributing to the Temple of Peace the healing temple and university.

If you have chosen this rune today it is an indication that you might need some healing for yourself or that you might need to offer some healing to someone close to you. Alternately the rune might be putting you on alert in regards to communication, encouraging you to watch your words or be mindful and protected from the harsh words of others. Communication is a powerful thing and has in the past caused the rise and fall of whole continents and cultures. Be careful then of the power your words exert upon the world about you.

Reversed this rune indicates a lack of harmony or balance within you which might result in illness or sickness. Seek out healing now the rune says in order to avoid this! Reversed this rune might also indicate that you have been using the power of communication unwisely lately and may have offended someone close to you, accidentally or intentionally! Either way in order to avoid messy karmic situations try to undo what you may have done now. Don't allow careless words to cause others harm!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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