Friday, 10 September 2010

Time To Say Goodbye

Yesterday Andrew and I caught a showing of Toy Story 3! To my surprise the ticket office guy informed me that the first Toy Story took place 15 years ago - when I was the princely age of 24 years old! I have loved the Toy Story movies and as result bought the toys, and the sound track and been a big advocate of the franchise to anyone unfortunate enough to hear me wax lyrical about it. There is a beautiful morality about the films centred around love and friendship and fear or abandonment, accepting ones fate, accept ones self and soldiering on. I have cried when watching, now all three, of the movies which is unusual for me as I am very rarely moved to tears by such things. Toy Story 3 was no exception, it was great, funny, moving, inspiring, touching, the story centring around the toys dilemma when their owner, now all grown up, goes to college leaving them with either the fate of attic, second hand shop or nursery!

So why am I writing about this, you mig ask, well there are important lessons here, issues around mortality and abandonment, the passing of childhood and moving on, wonder joy and innocence that are good for the heart and head to explore, albeit vicariously, as well as a sweetness in a film rare to find which fills the heart with joy. We need this, we the human race, we need such inspiration and when we find it we should embrace it and pass the message on.

I left the film thinking of my pink elephant, a childhood toy who after an accident with my brothers bicep - which I was hitting with the elephant - received emergency surgery and bionic eye! I loved that elephant, loved it, in fact at a time we where seldom parted but now have absolutely no idea what become of it. I feel sad about that, a little like I betrayed my childhood friend and this made me think about those others - people along the way - who I have betrayed by "letting them get away too! Friendship and love is so important, SO important and yet we allow it to disappear so easily and this is tragic, truly tragic and maybe something that we all need to work on a little ... for our sins!

So .... Toy Story 3 ... Inspirational! Go and see it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Leeds,United Kingdom

1 comment:

  1. Wonderfull subject.
    A fine line , between holding on to attachments that limit and cherishing love and friendship.
    A line I am currently exploring myself.
    Love 'is' , it takes no effort to hold on to what 'is'.
    If there's struggle then there's illusion. If it goes away , it's just part of the journey.
    Allowing for everyone to grow without holding on to them is part of my definition of unconditional love. Sometimes a loving thought is worth more than a thousand words we could have said.
    Trust means no regrets.

