Sunday 5 December 2010

Atlantian Rune of the Day

The element of Earth is aligned to the Archangel Uriel who was the patron in Atlantis of the Royal Family of Earth. This royal household was entrusted with the care of the "green" the elemental kingdom and energy as well as the planet - the vegetable and mineral kingdom - and in particular the lands of Atlantis.

Choosing this rune puts you on alert to environmental issues in your surroundings and encourages you to see of what benefit, practically or spiritually, you might be to the Earth. It also alerts you to the presence of the elemental kingdom who might be around you at this time as well as reminding you of the importance of grounding on your spiritual path. Finally, this rune alerts you to the powerful physical healing energy of the planet which is called the Green Ray.

Reversed this rune puts you on guard against being too ungrounded and encourages you to go outside more in a bid to ground yourself better as well as absorbing some positive pranic energy. It suggests that you might be neglecting the Earth or your immediate environment or even that you may have angered the elementals in some way! Whatever the reason this rune says give offering to the Earth now, show the Earth that you love and care.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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