Friday, 17 September 2010

Peers from the Past

Have been doing some fascinating research - for my up and coming Seership Workshop this weekend- on those famous Clairvoyants and Channels of the past. Such notables as Helena Blavatsky - the founder of Theosophy - and Charles Leadbetter and Annie Besant who took over from her, as well as more recent notables such as Edgar Casey - the sleeping prophet - and the much more recent Doris Stokes and Dr Joshua David Stone!

There are so many peers of the past that we on the path have forgotten about, brave men and women, often misunderstood, often years before their time, ridiculed and harassed by sceptics who boldly carried on paving the way for us to follow. We should be mindful of these, our spiritual ancestors, as see them as our teachers and guides on the way, we should more regularly celebrate their lives and let them know just how grateful we are for what they have done.

I have also been astonished to see how many of them perished, terribly young, from brain related illnesses or diseases! One can't help but wonder whether this was in part down to an over use of their gift and whether or not too this is something maybe that we should pay heed too!

Here then is to you, the brave and the bold, heralds of a new dawn, we salute you!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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