Sunday, 24 October 2010


People ask about darkness, about evil and I tell them as far as I know it's not what you might think it to be. I believe in shadows and demons but I don't believe them to be "horror movie" goblins obvious in their actions and meaningless in their endeavours. Demons are the shadows of angels, a natural manifestation of light entering into dualistic matter but their agenda is not to terrify or instil fear ... Not without purpose. No, their function is to prevent humanity from becoming Divine, to prevent us from ascending, to hold us bound to the material plane and limited states of consciousness. Their goal is to have us believe that the Source is not real and they strive to accomplish through clever psychology, charm and persuasion! Through science and celebrity, fame and greed ... Needless to say - whilst typing these words Wayne Roony and his ridiculous £200,000 a week for playing football, whilst people around the world literally starve to death comes to mind. As well as this seemingly zombified teenagers - and older people who really should know better - who sign up for the X Factor harping on about living the dream, being rich, being famous and travelling around the world in their private jet! I know, I'm ranting a little and let's face it I am no saint but here is where true darkness lies, not in possession, not in assailment - though of course these things too from time to time strategically occur - but rather in greed, and avarice and gluttony and envy and disdain and apathy and selfishness. Here is where the darkness lies alongside belief only in the visible, only in science, only in logic, only in truth that others teach us rather than that which we discern for ourselves! So, this Halloween, beware ... Not of the monsters or witches or ghosts but rather the Wayne Roony's, the Piers Morgans and the Simon Cowels of this world, the preachers of fame, fortune and materialism who corrupt our children and shame us all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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