Wednesday 8 December 2010

Healing Sound

Feeling the need I finally got round to asking my dear friend Rosemary Stephenson for an Absent Sound Healing. Rosemary has been working with this amazing and powerful method of healing for some time now, pre arranging a time to settle down and relax at home Rosemary, back at her house, played her crystal singing bowls and sang, chanting mantras and invoking angels sending the healing absently to me whilst recording the process onto a cd - which I would later receive through the post. As I relaxed I had an amazing timeless feeling of being suspended in the Cosmos, I could physically hear the echo of singing quiet in and in the distance but sweet and strong. I felt as if I where in a great Crystal Singing bowl that Rosemary was playing and singing to, stirring the sound in a crystal cauldron like a great celestial white witch transforming my tired leaden soul to gold. I could see behind her a great angel - the Archangel Shamsiel angel of sacred sound- singing with her and through her and even felt my guide joining in. After this I floated away in a golden cloud of light to come round some time later feeling relaxed and at ease knowing full well that the healing was singing on in my energy and soul.

Needless to say I can't wait to hear the cd!

For anyone who is a fan of sacred sound and/or Rosemary I would heartily recommend this incredible and powerful healing as a precious gift to give to the self. Check out Rosemary's website for more details

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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