The Autumn Eqinox is upon us and already the distinct chill of Autumn is with us, a chill of cold and - for me at least - a chill of excitement!
I love the Autumn, it is a time of magick, a time of change, a time of preparation when the Earth prepares for her long sleep. It is the count down to Samhein when the veil between our world and the other is the thinest and the ancestors and the Spirits of the Green can be more easily seen and contacted. It is a time of power and shadow, a time of secrets and mystery, a time of colour and harvest, along with Spring it is my time.
Today - on a very rare and precious day off - I have been releasing! Old bags, old clothes - five carrier bags full - casting off my leaves like the tree's will soon do. I remembered, as I gussied myself trying on clothes far too small for me now, a conversation I once had with a tree!
The tree told me that they cast off their leaves in the Autumn because they had absolute and perfect trust that new leaves would come in the spring and that as a result of this trust the leaves always came! The tree told me to trust that when ever I was letting go - of a thing or a person or an opportunity or dream - to remember that something else would always come in time to take it's place!
I choose to remember this then now, not about clothes and bags but about friends and memories and chances and failed attempts. What ever I release, what veer I let go of will return in another way, so long as I trust and know that this is so!
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