Sunday, 24 October 2010


People ask about darkness, about evil and I tell them as far as I know it's not what you might think it to be. I believe in shadows and demons but I don't believe them to be "horror movie" goblins obvious in their actions and meaningless in their endeavours. Demons are the shadows of angels, a natural manifestation of light entering into dualistic matter but their agenda is not to terrify or instil fear ... Not without purpose. No, their function is to prevent humanity from becoming Divine, to prevent us from ascending, to hold us bound to the material plane and limited states of consciousness. Their goal is to have us believe that the Source is not real and they strive to accomplish through clever psychology, charm and persuasion! Through science and celebrity, fame and greed ... Needless to say - whilst typing these words Wayne Roony and his ridiculous £200,000 a week for playing football, whilst people around the world literally starve to death comes to mind. As well as this seemingly zombified teenagers - and older people who really should know better - who sign up for the X Factor harping on about living the dream, being rich, being famous and travelling around the world in their private jet! I know, I'm ranting a little and let's face it I am no saint but here is where true darkness lies, not in possession, not in assailment - though of course these things too from time to time strategically occur - but rather in greed, and avarice and gluttony and envy and disdain and apathy and selfishness. Here is where the darkness lies alongside belief only in the visible, only in science, only in logic, only in truth that others teach us rather than that which we discern for ourselves! So, this Halloween, beware ... Not of the monsters or witches or ghosts but rather the Wayne Roony's, the Piers Morgans and the Simon Cowels of this world, the preachers of fame, fortune and materialism who corrupt our children and shame us all.

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Thursday, 14 October 2010

Out of the blues and into the gloom!

Well today the blues passed ... But the gloom descended! Gloom for me is a clinging cloying sense of sadness and futility, a sense of doom and lethargy that paralyses and freezes you in your tracks! Oddly enough today I managed to get quite a lot done - largely because I nearly moved out of my office - but still I went through the usual sense of paranoia and feeling totally unsupported from the Universe and my loved ones, even though the truth couldn't be further from the truth!

Is it the weather? The season?? Am I maybe a little (or a lot bi polar) or is it something else???? Exhaustion perhaps! I did wonder - and I know this might sound a little out there - whether it was anything to do with the release of the miners in Chile? Maybe they have brought something up with them? Something dark, or maybe it's their own darkness, their fear and relief and anger? Spirit tell us that sometimes what we feel doesn't belong to us but rather belongs to the world?

Either way I think it's time I turned to my guides for ... well a little guidance! I will keep you posted on the results! In the meantime, to all my fellow sufferers hang on in there!

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Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Grace and Acceptance

Grace and acceptance is the key, not that we shouldn't strive for change or betterment but rather that wherever we are, now, in this moment we need to accept it. By doing so we relax, by doing so we free ourselves from stagnation, by doing so we move forwards with grace and ease and flow. Accept where we are, what we are, what our circumstances are for now and in grace move on.

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I don't feel good today. It came on all of a sudden, out of the blue. It's not my Moon, as it so often is, it's not something some one said or did it's just there. Sadness, doubt, fear ... Is it mine or does it belong to someone else? Is it the worlds pain? I know I'm not the only one prone to such things, I know there are many others who struggle with this. I wanted to be honest about it, despite everything I know and everything I do sometimes it's there and all that there is to do is ride it through and see if answers come to justify the shadow. I'm not looking for excuses or sympathy but just felt the need to share. Dark days come to us all, however enlightened or powerful we might like to think ourselves to be. They are not to be ashamed of but rather acknowledged and endured, for in time - like clouds in the bright sky - they too will pass.

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Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Autumn Rot

Went for a walk today with Andrew to visit "the lightning struck tree" a tall dead tree which we presume was once the victim of a thunder bolt. During our little adventure, Andrew suggested we climb up and then down a steep muddy bank, I took a tumble (twice) scratching my arm and impaling my little finger! No real damage done - apart from my pride - but a little shock for the system. I haven't fallen over in ages and you kind of get the impression that the body forgets how! Still the scenery was wonderful with everything in a slow state of rot and decline, the wind fallen trunk beneath our feet squashed as we trod on them and mushrooms sprouted everywhere making the most of boggy conditions. It reminded me of how necessary breakdown is in order for new growth to come and I thought about all those I've encountered this year who have, in one way or another, been going through their own break down. I wonder if in a way this isn't part of their recycling, their regrowth, if once everything has decayed something new and wonderful with grow from the fertile soil of their disaster? Nature is a wonderful teacher and shows us even in death that there is always life close behind!

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Tuesday, 5 October 2010

The Descent of the Holy Spirit

10/10/10 is fast approaching and the descent of the Christ and the Sophia - the masculine and feminine Christ energy - is imminent! The Holy Spirit - the Maha Chohan - who is the body of the Divine, the solution that embraces the all and radiates as an emanation from the Divine Source enabling all miracles to occur - anchors itself now, becoming more present in and around us. The stage is set for the conjunction, the true alchemical wedding and the Archangel Gabriel (and others!) draw close to witness this event and lend their power.

If you can't make it to our 10/10/10 gathering (there 8 spaces left) then do try and make sure that you are in a quiet space at 10 past 10 on Sunday and later again that day at 22:10 as these are the power points when the Christ Light will descend and harmonize! Everyone who receives this initiation from Spirit will then carry this light out into the world as a positive infection, passing on this gift to all those others they encounter who are ready to receive it, passing the torch that will ignite the world with the new Christ Light, the Rose Gold Flame of the Christ, which will help to bring into being the New Earth!

These are powerful times, be part of them, there is only one chance and this is it!

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